Safer Recruitment training

(Education or Children’s Workforce)

1 day course, Maximum of 16 participants.

“It is vital that schools and colleges (and the Children’s Workforce) create a culture of safe recruitment and, as part of that, adopt recruitment procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children”

This course is ratified by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. James has completed the ‘train the trainer’ course and is able to certify participants who attend this course in line with the Safer Recruitment consortium. This is for both Education and for the wider Children’s workforce and in line with government legislation (see below)

(Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)

  • Who should attend

    Staff involved in Recruitment of staff.

  • This course will provide

    • give participants an awareness and understanding of offender behaviour
    • identify the key features of staff recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
    • consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting
    • help participants begin to review their own and their organisation’s policies and practice with a view to making them ‘safer’
  • Book/contact james:
    If you would like to receive information from me regarding relevant courses/events, please use the email address below:

Linked to legislation

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023) section 93

The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 require governing bodies of maintained schools to ensure that at least one of the persons who conducts an interview has completed safer recruitment training.

Statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children (DfE 2023)

Statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children (DfE 2023) states that schools and further education institutions, including academies and independent schools, should have in place a number of arrangements as part of their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children including:

• A culture of listening to children and taking account of their wishes and feelings
• Safe recruitment practices for individuals whom the organisation will permit to work regularly with children

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014

Regulation 19 The intention of this regulation is to make sure that providers only employ 'fit and proper' staff who are able to provide care and treatment appropriate to their role and to enable them to provide the regulated activity.

To meet this regulation, providers must operate robust recruitment procedures, including undertaking any relevant checks.

Safer Recruitment training

This course is ratified by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. James has completed the ‘train the trainer’ course and is able to certify participants who attend this course in line with the Safer Recruitment consortium.

This is for both Education and for the wider Children’s workforce and in line with government legislation.

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Safer Recruitment training

This course is ratified by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. James has completed the ‘train the trainer’ course and is able to certify participants who attend this course in line with the Safer Recruitment consortium.

This is for both Education and for the wider Children’s workforce and in line with government legislation.

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