Designated Safeguarding Leads

1 day course, Maximum of 16 participants.

This course enables Designated Safeguarding Leads to understand roles and responsibilities of keeping children safe in education.

The course takes an in-depth look at the impact of contextual safeguarding and how to formulate a response from Early Help through to Social Care.

  • Who should attend

    New Designated Safeguarding Leads or those interested in becoming Designated Safeguarding Leads and Established Designated Safeguarding Leads.

  • This course will provide

    • Describe your roles and responsibilities
    • Describe legislation, policy and guidance
    • Describe emerging concerns in education as outlined in Annex A of Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)
    • Identify what prevents disclosure
    • Describe how and when to respond to concerns, including local safeguarding procedures and information sharing. Particularly focussing on using the contextual framework, chronologies, genograms and professional curiosity to enable a comprehensive understanding of the safeguarding issue. This will aid with your referrals through the different thresholds
    • Address the emotional impact of safeguarding work on your role, with a particular focus on supervision
    • Describe key aspects of developing a safeguarding culture in education (allegations / safer recruitment / safer buildings)
  • Book/contact james:
    If you would like to receive information from me regarding relevant courses/events, please use the email address below:

Linked to legislation

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023)